Thursday, December 15, 2011

Only 7 Consonants?!

In 6th grade chorus.....

Me: "Okay guys, remember, you always need to annunciate the consonants that are at the end of words so that the audience can understand what your saying."

The class stares at me like I have three heads....

Me: "Who can raise their hand and tell me some consonants?"

Students raise their hands, and I call on one....

Student: "Can I tell you ALL of them?!"

Me: "Sure!"

Student: "Well, there's Europe, Asia, North America, South America, Australia, Africa, and Antarctica, but not very many people go to Antarctica."

Me: (slaps hand on head) "No dear. Not CONTINENTS. CONSONANTS. You know, like vowels and consonants?"

Student: "Ooooooh. Well then I don't know."

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